First-off, thank you to anyone reading this who has pre-ordered a copy of Blue Jelly and Strawberries. That’s what this blog post is about, really. That, and the weird limbo of pre-publishing, and the rollercoaster that is trying-to-get-published in the first place.
I am typing this as I wait for the printer to churn out another wodge of pages for Cornflakes and Gravy – my practice book baby, if you like. The Tiny Tears (gosh I’m old!) to my actual firstborn. I’ve got a school visit at the end of this week and need to take the usual clutch of copies to sell after school. I can’t wait until I can take (or even arrange to have sent!) some copies of Blue Jelly which have already been printed! The luxury! (I’m imagining this in a Yorkshire accent, don’t ask me why).
I got rather excited over the weekend as my book (still in its gestation period, due date 6/3/25) briefly got up as far as no.3 in the Amazon chart for Hot New Releases in Children’s Poetry. It’s a niche sector, and I suspect one doesn’t need to sell that many books to get into the top ten. But I was there with ACTUAL REAL AUTHORS whose names and book covers I recognised, and I got a proper thrill from it, so thank you to anyone who helped to get it there. (The no.50 spot in Hot New Releases: Children’s Books was even more short-lived, but who’s counting 😉.)
Important to mention at this point, that independent bookshops are always the best places to buy books, for SO many reasons. With any luck, libraries will choose to stock my book, too. I hope it finds its way into lots and lots of schools more than anything, but teachers who have read my article in the current issue of English 4-11 Magazine will know that I’d love it to be picked up for pleasure, rather for simile-spotting or general dissection, where possible.
The number of emails pinging between myself, the publisher, designer, publicist and so on, reassures me that Blue Jelly and Strawberries is Go! But, as I’ve written about before, I signed two small press poetry contracts early on which never materialised into books due to unfortunate closures. So, for now the strawberry bunting (yes!) and the strawberry-print shoes (oh yes!) remain in the back of the cupboard, but as the end of 2024 approaches, the excitement is beginning to rumble a little louder in my house.
Apologies if my excitement overwhelmed your social media feed over the weekend. It’s just a great feeling to have a big old ‘up’ on the publishing roller coaster and to know that this book is actually going to make it to shelves.
Happy reading, writing, and poeming,
Attie x
Blue Jelly and Strawberries Pre-order here: