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Attie Lime

I spent a wonderful day at Blackfordby Primary School in Leicestershire, celebrating World Book Day. We started the day with a joining-in assembly, Marjorie the parrot helped Wrens and Robins use their imaginations (she got a lot of cuddles!), and at the end of the day, children shared poems they had written, with the whole school.

During our workshops in years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, children thought about all the things that are possible when we read a book, or when we write stories and poems. Using the idea 'In a Book I Can...' they wrote their own poems. Here is some of their fantastic work (years 1, 3 and 4).

Well done, children of Blackfordby Primary, each and every one of you! Keep writing!

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Attie Lime

I was lucky enough to spend World Book Day at Moira Primary School in Leicestershire. We hunted for chocolate eggs in assembly, played imagination games together, and Marjorie the parrot enjoyed visiting Years R, 1 and 2.

In years 3, 4, 5 and 6 the children thought about all the things that are possible when we read a book, or write our own stories and poems. Using the idea 'In a Book I Can...' they wrote their own poems. Here are some of the wonderful poems and ideas that they came up with.

Well done, children of Moira Primary, each and every one of you! Keep writing!

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Attie Lime

According to my five-year-old, I need more than ten subscribers to my new YouTube channel before I can call myself a YouTuber. As I write this, the tally is at nine, since launch yesterday – and I am only related to SOME of them! Thank you, if one of them is you. Thank you if you subscribe or watch after reading this blog. Side note: I have no desire to be called a YouTuber. But if it makes me appear cooler to my three boys, then so be it. Also, I am sure he was being overly generous!

I’ve said before, that this writing children’s poetry game is made even more wonderful by the brilliant buzz of actually sharing the poems with children and seeing their reactions. I was lucky enough to visit two local schools for World Book Day, last week, and had a fantastic time. Children have the BEST imaginations. A pigeon made of jam will stay with me forever! Marjorie the parrot and I were on a high for quite some time afterwards, and it got us thinking about what to do next.

I remembered the YouTube channel I had set up weeks earlier, but not yet uploaded a video, and around the same time, a teacher told me via Twitter that she was studying my poem What the Cat Knows with her class. So, bim bam bosh, and a flick of Marjorie’s beautiful tail – there are now three poetry videos on my YouTube channel, one of which (naturally) features the marvellous Marj. I hope you’ll take a look, and maybe show your children, your class, and perhaps even subscribe, so I can tell my little boy that actually Mummy IS a YouTuber. And if you and your children enjoy my poems, I’d love it if you could let me know – via the YT comments, my website, or on social media. Writing can sometimes be a bit like living in a wordy bubble, so to see and hear that people are enjoying my poems, is just the best feeling.

Happy reading, writing, and poeming,

Attie x

P.S. Marjorie says Hi.

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