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Attie Lime

Today's poem uses the word 'Snowman' from Leo, age 6. Thank you!

Photo from Unsplash, by Vladyslav Melnyk

Even the Snowman has Brain-freeze

I’m a sowman

I’m a noham

I’m a snowmad

I’m a snowmoo

I’m a mansnow

I’m a mosnow

I’m a mansnod

I’m a snooman

I’m a snodmoo

and it’s far too cold to talk to you!

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Attie Lime

Today's poem uses the word 'Poinsettia', suggested by Kay Medway. Thank you!

Grandma’s Poinsettia

Mum buys this weird plant every Christmas

she says Grandma always got one

she says it’s a Christmas flower

but it’s not; it’s just a

random red leafy thing

but I say, “Mum, it’s a lovely flower

is that poinsettia.”

When she smiles

she looks like Grandma.

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Attie Lime

Today's poem is in honour of jelly, because jelly can be festive, too!

Photo from Unsplash by Girl with red hat

Buy my Try my Christmas Jelly!

Sick of all those chocolates and puddings on the telly?

Try a bowl of wibbly wobbly twinkly sparkly yummy Christmas jelly!

Tired of pigs in blankets and sprouts that make you smelly?

Have a taste of wibbly wobbly twinkly sparkly yummy Christmas jelly!

Try it, you might like it (it wiggles in your belly!)

It's wibbly wobbly twinkly sparkly yummy Christmas jelly!

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